Our Story
Hi! I am Tanisha Bawa, the founder of TAN | 365. I am a Lawyer and Certified Nutritionist. My aim is to help you attain your health goals with Nutrition that is Smart, Simple and Sustainable.
Health and fitness were not always a way of life for me. Like most people I was oblivious to the concept of what being healthy and feeling healthy actually means. My stint with health and wellbeing started in 2016 when I was in Law School in London. My poor, mindless and unhealthy eating habits led to PCOD – a syndrome common in most women. This further accelerated a domino effect with issues like excessive weight gain, poor skin, hormonal imbalances etc. which ultimately resulted in low self-esteem and low self-confidence.
This was my starting point for a complete lifestyle makeover. I educated myself about healthy eating and started my fitness training to achieve an improved lifestyle.
Eating nutritious meals and training each day helped me improve my health and enhanced my energy levels for my hectic work days. Being a former litigating lawyer in India, having a 6-day work week with long hours and hectic work load, I aced the art of being consistent with my healthy eating and finding time to work out daily by incorporating techniques that are practical and sustainable.
Being a professional, owing to its high stress and time commitments I observed how health & fitness always take a back seat. People succumb to mindless eating of unhealthy food resulting in poor health. I observed the same with my friends and family and realized that majority of people have an ingrained fixated mindset that being healthy is tough, time consuming, takes away from meeting their work goals, reduces their family time etc. However, the fact of the matter is quite contrary, speaking from my own personal experience.
Exercise and a nutritious diet not only make you feel better, fitter, stronger, but gives your body an energy boost to meet your daily goals. My passion for health & wellness stems from this aspect of making it Attainable, Practical and Sustainable keeping in mind people’s professional, social and family lives.
Whether you have a health goal you aspire to attain, or you wish to understand how you could develop a sustainable healthy lifestyle, book a session!!! My methodology does NOT involve the “diet culture” i.e., restrictive eating methods or detox plans that you cannot sustain.
My aim is to ensure that you achieve your health goals in a healthy way, which you can sustain all the way. I will help you achieve your targets with my full support, keeping in mind your lifestyle, your work schedule, your social obligation and deliver to you a tailormade nutrition plan that is achievable and sustainable
by you.
Let go of diets, plans and trends and stop questioning what is right and wrong for your health. Discover how to nourish your unique body with confidence and create lasting habits completely tailored to your lifestyle.
We teach you how to use mindful methods, check-in strategies, scientifically backed-up nutrition and habit change practices to transform your present and future health.
I am passionate about maximizing health through how we live our lives – including nutrition, physical activity, sleep and overall wellbeing. Juggling between busy and long work days, meeting work targets, hectic work travelling, being present at family gatherings and fulfilling social commitments – we often forgo our health and wellbeing. My aim is to educate, inspire and help everyone achieve and sustain better health by incorporating correct nutrition and making room for physical activity. The mission is to encapsulate health and wellbeing into your busy lives. This is no longer just important but essential to ensure your future health.
According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), India is on the verge on an epidemic of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD’s) such as heart disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes etc. Currently, heart diseases are the single largest cause of deaths in India.
It is estimated that in the coming years NCD’s will have an even greater surge amongst India’s population. The reason majority of Indians are prone to heart diseases, and why India is infamously known as the diabetes Capital of the World – largely stems from behavior and lifestyle factors such as sedentary lifestyle and an extremely poor & unhealthy diet of most of the Indian population.
As India’s disease epidemiology shifts towards greater incidence of NCD’s, there is an imminent need to strive for better health through prevention and lifestyle intervention. It is pertinent to take cognizance of the fact that these conditions develop over years or even decades in some cases and have many causes so the solution is not taking a pill or getting a surgery. In order to reduce the burden of NCD’s and to add quality years to our lives, we need to change our traditional way of thinking and step away from depending on “a pill for every ill” mindset. These diseases are largely preventable and we have the power to offset the risk by engaging in and encouraging health promoting behaviors.
It is imperative, that we understand our bodies daily nutrient requirements, engage in some kind of physical activity 4-5 times a week to ensure our well being and lead a disease-free life. My aim is to bridge the gap that exists due to of lack of awareness with respect to the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) of Macro and Micro Nutrients; the latest developments in the field of Nutrition and, help you engage in healthy and most importantly, sustainable lifestyle changes to optimize your health and well-being.
It is what we do today, and every day moving forward that will determine our future health.